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Brainwashed Religious Followers Create More Followers

I like to refer to it as the blind leading the blind, but that can sound a little harsh to some of us, because we often don't want to view ourselves as brainwashed or belonging to some type of cult.

However, there's no other way to explain this behavior. Religious followers listen to information that might not be true and in some cases cannot be validated rationally, yet continue to follow their leaders blindly.

This same behavior can also be applied to people who believe wholeheartedly in other things like politics, health, parenting, education and finances.

Brainwashing is the direct result of accepting information without questioning it.

Your grandparents believed in God, your parents believe in God and there's a good chance you're going to believe in God also, but which God will you ultimately choose to believe in.

Jehovah is the God of the Jews, Allah is the God of the Muslims, Jesus is the God of the Christians and Brahma is one of the gods of the Hindus.

Let me see if I can make it easy .

It's simple, your place of birth and parents usually make a choice for you. If your parents are Muslims and you were born in the United States, then there's a good chance you're going to be a Muslim until you question the information you're having a difficult time accepting, simply because someone tells you that it's true.

This is usually what separates the thinkers from the followers. At one point in a religious follower's life, while making the transformation to a thinker, will need to find the truth or at least the best version of it.

This is actually what happened to me. I was instructed to follow the rules of Christianity, but when the promise of a better life always seemed to be right around the corner, yet just far enough out of my reach, you know, all you need is to do is pray and believe in Jesus and everything will work out, yet rarely does.

Well I finally got tired of waiting around and listening to false promises. I took it upon myself to find out whether or not Christianity could actually fulfill some of their promises for a better life.

After about two decades of searching haphazardly, I made an educated stance against religion, but this isn't common. I gathered as much information as I possibly could and made a rational assessment using tangible information.

I did what most religious followers for whatever reason choose to avoid like the plague. I took the hard evidence and went through it with a fine tooth comb.

The results were life changing. The best way I could describe it would be similar to a religious followers being saved by an imaginary God.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the view from my side of the river of rational thinking is totally awesome. Breaking away from unrealistic beliefs can open your eyes in ways you never imagined.

However, brainwashed individuals don't do these things, they simply follow the leader, without ever doubting most of the information they receive from their leaders.

This actually creates the ideal follower for governments and the richest people in the world. These are the ideal worker bees in society and most of them can be convinced with only small amounts of propaganda to fight for an illusion of freedom.

This follow the leader mentality creates generations of the same type of individuals. They can be convinced to believe practically anything through the media and charismatic individuals.

The only way we will be able to break this chain of following unbelievable information will be to eventually start questioning it.