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It Isn't Enough Just To Believe In God

I can't tell you how many times a religious follower provided me with these statements, “You just need to believe or have a little faith.”

If you believed that everything in the Bible was true, then you wouldn't question any of the information inside of it.

Hello, anybody out there!!!!!

Let me get this right, let me see if this is what this particular religious follower was trying to tell me and then let's see whether or not you agree or disagree.

If I believed in Santa Claus, then Santa Claus would bring me presents.

This would be similar to, ”If I believed in God, then my life would be better.”

I know, this can’t be the same thing, because it borderlines on unrealistic, but what if I woke up Christmas morning and found two gifts with my name written on them, with the words, “From Santa Claus” written on the package.

If anybody wanted any proof, I could show them the gifts and if that wasn't enough, I could show them where it said, ”From Santa Claus” on the gift itself.

Wouldn't that make a good argument?

Maybe to someone who truly wanted to believe, but to someone looking for hard-core evidence, something like this might require a few more questions and a little more evidence.

It isn't ever going to be enough to simply believe in something like Santa Claus, Jesus or other God's, without actually validating their existence or the information they're trying to make you believe… rationally.

I could provide you with a variety of different examples and on different levels of reality, but the main components of this particular argument would still be the same.

Claims of absolute truth require substantial amounts of evidence and in most cases the evidence used to support the absolute truth will need to be tangible and realistic.

I know this is going to be hard to accept, but it will actually require someone to validate their particular individual God's existence with satisfactory scientific evidence.

It truly is a lot easier to simply say that God exists or that the Bible can be used as a historical document, but it's a lot tougher to actually provide evidence to support these claims.

Like I said in the beginning, it will never be enough to simply say that your particular religion is right and you're God actually exists, without satisfactory tangible rational evidence.