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Do You Believe in Anything?

I believe in things that are tangible.

Remember, I believed in God at one time, but realized there was a possibility he never existed. Why did I change my mind, from a believer, to a nonbeliever, simply because there wasn't enough tangible evidence to support God's existence.

Nobody would be more surprised than me, if God came down from heaven tomorrow and validated his or her existence.

I'm not a Republican, Democrat or affiliated with any political organization, because I honestly don't think they have as much power as the public thinks they do. Why, why do I think like this, because I've actually taken the time do some research and develop my own opinion and guess what, I could be wrong and that's what's nice about being me, I can accept and learn from my mistakes and continue moving forward.

I consider myself to be an extremely rational person yet still get caught up in other people's beliefs, for short periods of time. You see that's what's nice about thinking rationally, you might get thrown off track every once in a while, but usually it won't take very long, to get right back on track.

I have a difficult time believing in invisible things or accepting someone else's belief's as the absolute truth, without validation. A theory is a theory until proven otherwise and I can't believe how many people honestly accept the Theory of Evolution as a theory, yet have a difficult time doing the same thing for the Bibles description in the Book of Genesis of creation.