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Why Do Christians Judge Others?

I think this question takes us back to our human nature. It's just something we seem to do and realistically making rational judgments can be beneficial to our existence and well-being.

There are plenty of things for Christians to judge and it really doesn't make a lot of sense to me, why they shouldn't be allowed to.

For example, you're driving your car down a road and need to figure out whether you should turn left or right or continue going straight ahead. This would be a judgment, yet I'm pretty sure Christian leaders would tell you that this isn't what the Bible or Christianity is referring to.

Like other parts of the Bible, the word judgment could be a gray area, making it extremely difficult to understand without any doubt.

I think the best way to answer this question is to look at Jesus and all of the judgments he made as a person. If Christians are required to use Jesus as an example, then they would be allowed to judge and judge freely.

Even if you believe the Bible is referring to judging an individual's character or other human behaviors, then how would you know for sure, beyond any shadow of a doubt that you're right and that you wouldn't be missing something?

If I tell you not to judge others, but leave it at that, then how would you really know how far to take it.

Does it mean you're not allowed to examine their clothing, haircuts, vehicles, homes, personalities, eating habits or Christian denomination?

Like I said, this doesn't make a lot of sense and realistically seems like it's part of our nature and if it isn't part of our nature, then it's definitely something we need to survive.

I hate to say it, but I think the real reason why Christians judge other people takes us back to the reason why they’re Christians. It makes them feel better about their lives, to know someone else isn't doing as well.

I really don't think this is something Christian should beat themselves up over, because it would be difficult to interpret, especially if the only thing you had to use was the Holy Bible.

I wonder how many judgments I made, simply by writing this article.